Turning the Corner on Grief Street

Guide to Dealing with Death and Mourning


When someone we love dies, it feels like our world has come crashing down. We are left feeling lost and alone, with a hole in our heart that can never be repaired. Mourning the loss of a loved one is a process that takes time, and there is no right or wrong way to do it. Here are some tips on how to mourn the loss of a loved one:

  1. Allow yourself time to grieve. It is natural to feel overwhelmed and confused after a loved one dies. Give yourself time to process your feelings, and don’t be afraid to cry or express your emotions.
  2. Talk about your loved one. Share memories of them with your friends and family, and write about them in a journal. This can help to keep their memory alive.
  3. Seek support from others. Surround yourself with people who will listen to you and offer you comfort. Join a support group or talk to a counselor if you need extra help.
  4. Honor your loved one’s memory. Create a memorial, visit their grave, or do something else to honor their memory. If they were cremated, you can spread their ashes somewhere meaningful. This can help you feel closer to them and keep their spirit alive.
  5. Move on when you’re ready. Don’t feel like you have to hurry through the mourning process. When you’re ready, begin to rebuild your life and look forward to the future.
  6. Allow yourself to feel happy again. It’s normal to feel guilty for experiencing happiness after a loved one dies, but it is important to allow yourself to find joy in life again.
  7. Don’t bottle up your feelings. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or depressed, talk to a therapist or counselor. It’s important to get help if you’re struggling to cope.
  8. Find ways to remember your loved one. Keep a picture of them, wear a piece of jewelry they gave you, or do something else to keep their memory alive.
  9. Take care of yourself. Make sure to eat healthy and get enough sleep, and find time for exercise and relaxation. This will help you to cope with the stress of mourning.
  10. Don’t be afraid to seek professional help. If you’re struggling to cope with the death of a loved one, consider seeking professional help from a therapist or counselor. They can offer you support and guidance during this difficult time.
  11. Remember that the mourning process is different for everyone. Don’t compare your experience to others, and don’t be afraid to seek help if you need it. Grief is a unique experience, and there is no right or wrong way to mourn the loss of a loved one.

Remember to allow yourself to feel all of the emotions that come with losing someone special, and take care of yourself both physically and emotionally. With time, the pain will lessen and you will be able to

Mourning the loss of a loved one is a difficult process, but it is important to allow yourself time to grieve. By following these tips, you can start to heal your heart and begin to rebuild your life.

How to Write a Great Funeral Eulogy

On the day of a funeral, the family and friends of the deceased gather together to remember their loved ones. During this time, a eulogy usually takes place. A eulogy is a speech written in honor of the person who has passed away, praising them for their accomplishments and sharing memories about them. A eulogy is meant to be delivered at a funeral.

When writing a eulogy for someone who has recently passed away, it can be hard to think of what to say. Often, people only want to focus on the good times they spent with the deceased. However, it’s also important to mention what made the person special and unique as a person. A eulogy should be heartfelt, but it should also include certain key elements.

When writing a eulogy for someone who has passed away, it should have an introduction, body, and conclusion. The first sentence should be a grabber that catches the attention of the audience. It should be thoughtful, well-written, and to the point.

The body should include stories that illustrate who the person was as a human being; what they did to make the world a better place; what they enjoyed doing in their free time; and how people will remember them after they are gone. It should also include reasons why the person is being honored.

The conclusion should bring closure to the eulogy by summarizing what was said. It should include a memorable quote from the deceased that applies to everyone who was there, and it should also give thanks to those who worked tirelessly on the eulogy.

A funeral eulogy should not be read word for word from a paper, but it should sound conversational and passionate. It is a way to share the person’s legacy with others who were very important in their life.

It is important to understand that not everyone can write a eulogy for someone they love. This may be because they are too upset, or simply because they are not the best writers. Writing a eulogy takes time and deliberation. However, knowing that it’s necessary can help the bereaved to push through. Ask someone close to them if they would be willing to write it for them.

A funeral eulogy is a difficult task, but it is something that can bring comfort to those who are mourning. It should capture the essence of the person who has passed away, sharing their unique qualities with the world.

3 Great Books About Dealing with Grief

When someone close to us dies, it can be difficult to cope with the grief. These 3 great books about dealing with grief can help you understand and manage your feelings during this difficult time.

Grief is the emotional response to loss. It can be felt after the death of a loved one, but can also occur after a breakup, divorce, or the loss of a job. Grief can be very intense and last for a long time.

If you are grieving, it is important to allow yourself to feel all of the emotions you are experiencing. Don’t try to bottle them up. Talk to friends and family about your loss, and find support groups or counseling if you need it.

Death is a natural process that everyone must experience at some point in their lives. However, when a loved one dies, it can be extremely difficult to cope with the pain and loss. Grief is the natural response to bereavement, which is the state of being deprived of someone or something valuable.

Some people find that they bury their feelings of grief in order to avoid feeling the pain. However, this can actually prolong the grieving process and make it more difficult to cope in the long run.

If you are struggling with grief, it is important to seek out support from friends and family, or from a professional therapist. However, you can also find help and support by reading one of these 3 great books.

Unfortunately, it is often hard to cope with the death of a loved one. If you are grieving the loss of a family member or friend, here are 3 great books that can help you deal with your grief:

1.”THE GRIEF RECOVERY HANDBOOK” BY JOHN W. JAMES AND RUSSELL FRIEDMAN is a comprehensive guide to recovering from the death of a loved one. The book covers all aspects of grief, from the emotions you will experience to the practical steps you can take to cope with your loss.

2.”THE FIVE STAGES OF GRIEF” BY ELISABETH KÜBLER-ROSS is a classic book about the grieving process. It discusses the 5 stages that most people go through when coping with a loss: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.

3.”HEALING YOUR GRIEVING HEART AFTER A SUICIDE” BY ALAN D. WOLFELT is a guide for those who have lost someone to suicide. The book offers advice and support for dealing with the many emotions that come with such a devastating loss.

Coping with the death of a loved one can be difficult, but these 3 books can help make the process a little bit easier. With time and patience, you will eventually come to terms with your loss and begin to rebuild your life.


Grief is a natural response to bereavement, which is the state of being deprived of someone or something valuable. If you are grieving the loss of a family member or friend, these 3 great books will help you deal with your grief.

Learning to live with Grief

Whether it be to a traumatic experience you have had, or mourning the loss of a loved one or dear friend, grief is always a difficult emotion to deal with. Our goal with this website is to help those who are struggling to deal with and understand their grief and sadness, and to help them avoid falling into the dangerous trap of depression. If you or somebody you know may benefit from the resources available on this site, please be sure to share it with them. Also, be sure to check back from time to time as well will continue to update this website with more content to help you learn how to live with grief.